Week 3

   Week 3                 Remotely controlled prosthetic arm using Arduino


Summary of week’s activities:

1. We successfully built the connection between the flex sensor and the servo motor by Bluetooth. The motor is capable of rotating at different degrees according to the bending degree of the flex sensor.

2. We can control two groups of flex sensors and motors at the same time.

3. The structure and design of the poster have been completed, but the concrete content has not been written.

In last week's experiment, the biggest difficulty we faced was that we could not make two motors receive signals transmitted by different bending sensors through Bluetooth at the same time.

This week we focused on modifying the motor code, and the final result was that two motors can be controlled independently by each bending sensors without being affected (Fig.1). The only problem was that there is a delay. We'll try to improve that in the lab next week.


Due to the complexity and time-consuming process of making prosthetic arms, our team decided to replace them with a plastic hand that is easier to install and has the same effect. The plastic hand is shown below (Fig.2).


Our goal next week is to complete the assembly of prosthetic arm and circuit, and start the preparation of speech and poster.



Bench inspection

Week 1