Week 2

  Week 2                              Remotely controlled prosthetic arm using Arduino

Summary of week’s activities:

1. We tested the code for flex sensors and soldered wires to flex sensors.

2. The connection between HC-05 Bluetooth went wrong, so we reset them and reconnect all the lines, and solved it in the end.

3. We had made two physical fingers but found some problems with the structure.

4. We’ll meet on Saturday to figure out the task of Controlling 5 servos simultaneously by using master Bluetooth.

We continued the rest part of the task we left last week. 

We first soldered wires to flex sensors. The reason is the bottom wire of the flex sensor is too short and not so easy to touch the breadboard. So we need to guarantee the circuit connection is stably (Fig.1)

Fig.1 Soldered Flex Sensors

Then we compiled the code for flex sensors and connected it to the circuit which contain the master device. (Fig.2)

Fig.2 Master Bluetooth Module

In addition, we connected the servo motor to the circuit which contain the slave device. (Fig.3)

Fig.3 Slave Bluetooth Module

And we linked the slave Bluetooth module with an android phone. By using Bluetooth, we can implement sending order of the rotating degrees to servo motor by phone. 

After setting those two parts, we tried to use the flex sensors' bending extent as a signal passed through the master Bluetooth device to the slave Bluetooth device. Then the slave device sent the signal to the servo motor and make it rotate specific degrees. But there is some problem that appeared with the connection between master and slave. The master LED blink showed that it had connected but the slave's LED was dim. We fixed the code to make it back to work again.

Up to now, we can make a single bending sensor control the motion of a servo motor in real-time. Next week, we will try to improve the code so that five bending sensors can control the independent movement of five servomotors in real-time using the same Bluetooth connection.

The next mission is to make physical fingers. We learnt from this link (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PUx41nK_T8o) and imitated this structure. The procedure showed as followed. (Fig.4-8)

Fig.4 Delineate the shape

Fig.5 Clipping

Fig.6  Stick the wire

Fig.7  Attach with the string and toothpick

Fig.8 Add a frame

Fig.9 Achievement

With delicately work, our final product operated successfully as the following video.



Bench inspection

Week 1